Treatment for Fungal Foot Problems - Delray Beach, FL

What are the most common Fungal Problems?

The fungal problems seen most often are athlete's foot and fungal nails. A fungus is a common mold that thrives in dark, warm, moist areas. On the feet, it can grow on and between toes, as well as on soles and toenails. Fungal problems can be a result of environment (socks, shoes, heat, and humidity) or weakened immunity (diseases such as diabetes). Chronic fungal infections are most common in adults, while acute fungal infections are seen more often in children.
What is Athlete's Foot?

A chronic infection caused by various types of fungus, athlete's foot is often spread in places where people go barefoot, such as public showers or swimming pools. The condition ranges from mild scaling and itching to painful inflammation and blisters. It usually starts between the toes or on the arch and may spread to the bottom and sides of the foot.
What are Fungal Nails?

When a fungal infection progresses, it may infect one or more toenails, turning them yellow, green, black, or other colors. Fungal toenail infections can cause nail thickening, inflammation, or sensitivity.
Evaluating Fungal Foot Problems

Since fungal problems may be related to other medical problems, your Delray Beach podiatrist needs to look at your medical history, examine your foot and skin, and possibly do other tests.
How Are Fungal Foot Problems Treated?

Depending on the type of infection you have, various kinds of medication may be used in treating your fungal problem. Successful treatment usually involves a combination of medication and self-care.
Athlete's Foot Treatment Options

If your condition is not serious, over-the-counter and prescription powders, lotions, or ointments can often help treat scaling, itching, and inflammation. Foot soaks may help dry excessive perspiration, but talk with your podiatrist first. If your athlete's foot doesn't improve, your podiatrist may prescribe stronger medication.
Fungal Nail Treatment Options

Since fungal toenails are usually more resistant and more difficult to treat than athlete's foot, topical or oral antifungal medications may be prescribed. Permanent toenail removal or laser treatment for nail fungus are other possible forms of treatment for fungal nails.
What Can You Do About Fungal Problems?

Your daily habits play a big part in helping to prevent fungal problems. Here are a few tips:
  • Always dry your feet thoroughly after you bathe or shower. Be sure to dry between your toes. Foot powders can also help absorb moisture.
  • To help avoid fungus-causing perspiration, alternate the shoes you wear so they have at least a day to dry out. Also, try to wear shoes made of breathable materials like leather or canvas.
  • Wear natural-fiber socks and change them often, especially if you play sports.
  • Wear sandals or thongs in public areas such as pools, showers, or locker rooms.
  • If you have any ongoing problems.... see your podiatrist!
Foot & Ankle Conditions

As a podiatrist in Delray Beach FL our office specializes in treatment of fungal foot problems in Delray Beach, Palm Beach County, FL. If you would like to schedule a consultation for athlete's foot treatment or fungal nail treatment with the foot doctor please call our office today at (561) 498-9888 or request an appointment online.
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